"A #1 RB with breakaway speed, size and quick feet and receiving ability but ball security has been a problem."

Kirby Lee USA Today Sports
Terrific burst and homerun speed. Shows good vision and quick feet. Can find daylight in tight spaces at the los. Explosive changing directions.
Adequate size, runs behind his pads and can break arm tackles. Experienced receiver out of the backfield with soft hands. Aware route runner. Two year captain and leader in the locker room.
Ball security has been an issue. Willing but often a liability as a blocker. Sometimes too upright through the hole. Flashes shiftiness at the line but a mostly a straight line guy in the open field. Older than normal prospect.
Michel’s a #1 RB with breakaway speed, size and quick feet. He's physical when he needs to be and can drop his hips and run through contact.
Not particularly shifty at the 2nd level but can stick his foot down, change direction quickly, and make guys miss in a short area. He's got good hands and is a weapon in the passing game. The sole cons may be his inconsistant blocking and ball security.