"Small star LB with DB size that's just as comfortable in the box as out at single high safety. The change up is that he's not quick twitch and lacks sand as a tackler."

Versatile DB with speed, coverage skills and rugged tackling ability. Long armed and adept in man coverage. Capable at both single high safety and in the box.
Fills hard and blows things up when his anticipation clicks. Solid ball skills. Big time motor.
Not a quick twitch guy. Lacks anticipation in space and can struggle to recover from false steps in man coverage. Doesn't carry much sand as a tackler, overcompensates and ends up recklessly flying in.
Brown is a essentially a small LB with DB size that's nearly as adept as a deep field defender as up at the los in the box. Shows impressive range and versatility. Flashes playmaking potential with ball skills and activity.
Generally a reliable last line tackler but he can leak guys out when his technique turns reckless. Capable and experienced in coverage but lacks size man up and occasionally lacks anticipation in space.
NFL Comp: short Micah Hyde